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How much do the services cost?Initial introductory in-person or virtual session (15 minutes): FREE Therapy session (1 hour) with a Registered Social Worker/Psychotherapist: $175 Coaching session (1 hour): $100 Sliding scale available - please speak with your counsellor/coach Hypnotherapy and/or tapping session: variable depending on topic/need. Please contact us for additional information about groups and events
Where/how do we meet for counselling?The Thrive Centre has an office in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Services are available in-person and via virtual means. We serve clients across Ontario.
How do I pay for services?Payment method at the Thrive Centre is via e-transfers
What access can I have with my between sessions?This can be discussed at any time with your practitioner if there is a crisis or situation that requires additional support. Generally, staff are available to return calls and provide brief contact between sessions. If you leave a message on the Thrive Centre’s voicemail (613-283-6094), a staff person will return your call to check in and provide information within 1 business day. If you are in crisis, please call 911, or access your local emergency room. Additional community services are listed in this website.
What is the Thrive Centre’s cancellation policy?Demand for services are high. As a result, we ask all clients to provide 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule appointments. We appreciate that schedules change and emergencies come up. By cancelling your scheduled session with enough notice, we are often able to give the spot to another client. We will gladly work with you to accommodate the changes in your schedule. If you cancel with less than 24hours notice, and we are unable to reschedule your spot, you will be billed for 50% of the cost of your session. Please note extended health coverage does not cover the fee for missed appointments.
Confidentiality, and limits to confidentiality, in counselling, coaching and support servicesRecord Keeping: Staff at the Thrive Centre follow current Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).Specifically, all files are kept in a locked room in a locked cabinet. All online information is protected by a professional third party contractor. For more information regarding FIPPA please speak with your professional and/or refer to Professional Supervision: Part of ethical practice includes staff seeking professional supervision. Staff at the Thrive Centre participate in supervision with external paid professionals. During professional supervision no specific identifiable information will be shared. All measures are taken to protect your privacy. All staff are bound by confidentiality requirements
Can you provide a diagnosis or medication?In Ontario, only doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists can make a mental health diagnosis and/or prescribe medication
Are services covered by OHIP or insurance?Generally speaking, doctors are covered by OHIP, while other practitioners in private practice are not. Private insurance, employer benefits and health spending accounts may cover your sessions. It is important to confirm with your insurance provider what credentials they require prior to your first session.
What are my rights as a client?We take your rights to safety and excellent service very seriously. Please refer to our Client Bill of Rights and speak with a staff at any time about your rights as a client.
Do I have the right to a complain if I have a concern?We strive to ensure you receive excellent service. However, we recognize a situation may arise that requires service modification or professional accountability. We encourage you to address your concern directly with the practitioner first. If you feel unable to address you concern directly, and you would like to file an official complaint, you have the following options: 1. File a complaint with the Thrive Centre. Please contact us at and request a copy of our complaints process 2. File a complaint with the college that applies to that professional’s certification/qualifications
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